Robots doing therapy??! We’ve all heard of the advent of AI tools, like Chat GPT. AI tools like “chatbots” that respond have actually been around for while. Think about Siri, Alexa, or other bots we can ask to do things for us – same tech. But can AI therapy chatbots really do therapy? Or does this seem an initial step toward complete AI takeover?
There are actually millions of users utilizing AI therapy chatbots around the world. Not to mention a lot of money invested from the tech sector, entrepreneurs, and health organizations. Multiple tech companies boast great improvements in mental health outcomes using their chatbot program.
And there are actually early studies showing that these chatbots can have a beneficial impact on mental health. These have been utilized for a range of difficulties: anxiety, depression, ADHD, eating disorders, family difficulties, and others.
There is a fascinating continuing education course that brings up a lot of intriguing, if also somewhat creepy, thoughts about this technology. The training addresses a lot of interesting practical and ethical questions. It reviews research and discusses ways for chatbots to be integrated into clinical practice. It stresses that chatbots will not replace therapists.
Pros: This training is very intriguing, with lots of good informative content. An informed and knowledgable presenter raises a lot of important and intriguing questions and issues in a very balanced way. The presentation covers many applications of use of AI therapy and shows helpful real-life examples of the technology in use.
Limits: This is an on-demand training. So the presenter is unable to discuss many of those intriguing questions with you live. Parts of the presentation review research on chatbots in depth. This adds value and even moments of surprise (e.g., “Interesting they found that!”), but is something to be aware for those not wishing to hear in-depth research reviews. The training discusses some cautions about chatbots for serious mental illness (SMI).
The AI chatbots treatment option brings up an interesting question and lots of mixed feelings from clinicians. These chatbots are not human. On the other hand, initial evidence supports their use and there a lot of people who have difficulty or resistance to accessing in-person care. So is this something we should support?? (We’ll leave it at something to chew on)