bridge brings you the latest and most applicable information on mental health theory and research impacting our field! We are the first to put this information in summarized, easily digestible bits to make your life easier. Short and sweet, but rich!
Check out our curated list below for articles on findings from other outlets. Also see our Continuing Education page for suggested well-supported continuing education courses and credits.
For tips and tricks to help clients find accurate mental health information online, check out Dr. Matt B’s series on how to find established information online and on social media.
Featured Research Findings
Research Findings
Conversion therapy case reaches Supreme Court
Emotion regulation in therapy: Evidence-based does it
How effective are AI therapists? What are human therapists to do?
Why are negative emotions good?
How to conduct measurement based care in mental health
Facing love addiction: What it is and therapist training to help clients
Measurement-based care: How do we know we are helping?
Narcissistic personality disorder training for therapists
Development of borderline personality disorder and how to help
Behavioral weight loss therapy and therapist trainings
Client retention strategies for mental health therapists.
Resources and therapy for loneliness
Stanford plays with AI and mental health genetics
Ozempic for alcohol misuse too??
Therapist resources for seasonal affective disorder
Motivational Interviewing training: Foundations for change
New Years resolutions: Supporting client behavior change
Anniversary and holiday grief support
Holiday stress coping strategies for clients
Ozempic and eating disorders: Not a miracle drug.
Curated Research Findings

bridge finds and posts high quality articles discussing therapist resources and research important to the mental health field. New articles posted weekly and directly linked here!
- Scientists Discover a Trait in Speech That Foreshadows Cognitive Declineby Claire Lancaster on March 11, 2025 at 11:36 pm
Can you pass me the whatchamacallit? It's right over there next to the thingamajig. Many of us will experience "lethologica", or difficulty finding …
- Brain Circuit Discovery Reveals How Empathy Shapes Our Behaviorby Neuroscience News on March 11, 2025 at 5:09 pm
Researchers have discovered how specific brain circuits process empathy, showing that witnessing others in pain activates the same neural pathways as …
- How the Brain Overcomes Instinctive Fear and Adapts to New Threatsby Neuroscience News on February 7, 2025 at 1:33 am
Researchers have identified brain mechanisms that help animals suppress instinctive fear responses when threats prove harmless over time. Using a …
- Embrace your dark side: A new perspective on negative emotionsby Kevin Dickinson on February 7, 2025 at 1:31 am
In the 4th century A.D., Evagrius Ponticus escaped into the desert to contemplate salvation. An ascetic and philosopher, Evagrius came to believe …
- How to Relax and Unwind Without Drinking Alcoholby Angela Haupt on February 7, 2025 at 1:29 am
Alcohol has long been synonymous with relaxation. If you want to unwind after a rough day at work—or kick back on the couch, at a baseball game, or in the pool—there’s historically been a good chance you’ll have a drink in hand. Now, the tides are turning. In early January, then-U.S. Surgeon General …
- How CBD Modulates THC’s Impact on the Brainby Neuroscience News on February 7, 2025 at 1:26 am
Researchers have identified how CBD interacts with cannabinoid receptors to mitigate the negative effects of THC, the psychoactive component of …
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